Intuitive Astrology

Intuitive Astrology: Making the Best of What Life Brings

Deborah Lee, B.A. Philosophy, MS.Ed. Counseling

Intuitive astrology is a specialty within the astrological field that emphasizes personal empowerment, intuition development, and profound insights regarding life’s purpose. I blend my strong intuition and astrological knowledge with my skills as a counselor to support you on your path. Please contact me below for your free initial consultation. I look forward to meeting you!

What are the Benefits of Intuitive Astrology?

  • Obtain support and intuitive guidance during tough times.
  • Identify your unique talents, gifts, qualities, and potential.
  • Understand your particular challenges and learn optimal responses to meet them confidently and strongly.
  • Gain insight into your life purpose and identify paths for fulfilling your life’s mission.
  • Improve your relationships by gaining insight into your uniqueness and those close to you. 
  • When you work through your pain, fears, and traumas, you gain compassion for yourself and others.
  • Increase insight into the optimal manifestation and timing for actions in specific situations.
  • Feel validated when you are struggling.
  • Acquire wisdom, peace, and inner joy by seeing that everything that occurs can be used for personal growth and maturation.
  • Learn to flow with life and enhance your intuition by listening to it, trusting it, and applying it daily.
  • Understanding the meaning of the cycles can help you build hope through difficult times. Deepen your healing with supportive therapies.
A girl holds the planets like balloons in her hand. Intuitive Astrological Counseling empowers us, not the planets.
Intuitive astrology reminds us:
We hold the power to make the best of what life brings.

What to Expect in an Intuitive Astrological Counseling Session

The soul is explored with intuitive astrology
Your soul enlivens the chart.

Welcome! I look forward to hearing from you to discuss how I may best assist you in my intuitive astrological counseling practice.

I offer intuitive astrology readings and astrological counseling according to your needs and preferences. If you are new to astrology, you may prefer an introductory chart reading that includes highlights from your progressed and transit charts. Additionally, you will benefit more from any session if you clearly express your chief areas of concern.

If you are interested in relationship astrology, we may have to book an additional session in order to have sufficient time to meet your needs. Additionally, if you would like to share any dreams, they often provide insight into the meaning of the various aspects in your charts. I may also suggest some flower remedies to resolve any current stress you may be experiencing. Please see below for more information on my work. Thanks.

Questions? I can be reached HERE. Thanks!

"In All Difficulty Lies Opportunity"--Albert Einstein

The yin yang symbol over a planet symbolizes the healing the soul and its polarities with intuitive astrological counseling
Intuitive astrology and dream work balances inner polarities.

It is no secret that we are living in challenging times. Astrological counseling is needed now more than ever! As a life-long intuitive astrologer and therapist, I offer insightful guidance and support for your chief concerns. Intuitive astrology emphasizes personal growth, freedom of choice, and fulfilling your life’s purpose.  Below are some of the additional services I offer that may benefit you.  Please get in touch with me HERE. Thanks.

Intuitive Astrology

Astrology is a divine science and sacred art that promotes deep self-awareness. When used wisely, astrology helps in meeting life’s challenges optimally. Intuitive astrology is an empowerment model that enables you to discover your life purpose and make choices that aid your intuitive healing and spiritual growth. At its best, astrology teaches us to be wise.

Learn more about intuitive astrology HERE.

Astrology and Plant Medicine

Flower remedies are a form of plant medicine that helps resolve mental, emotional, and spiritual issues. I may suggest some that match your personal issues. They complement astrology nicely.  This is because flower remedies help heal the psycho-spiritual issues revealed in your charts. They are often a missing key to your healing and growth.

Learn more about astrology and plant medicine HERE.

Relationship Astrology

Astrology is beneficial for understanding any relationship dynamic, and relationships are one of the most important avenues for spiritual growth. In my intuitive astrological counseling practice, I combine astrological knowledge and intuition with effective counseling skills. Together, we will explore and clarify your relationship dilemmas.

Learn more about relationship astrology HERE.

Intuitive Astrology and Dreams

Dream work and intuitive astrology are powerful paths for in-depth soul work. Both support and enhance psycho-spiritual growth and soul healing. Dreams support spiritual growth by unveiling the soul’s struggles and providing solutions to meet them. Dream work offers direct access to intuition, while astrology provides the framework.

Learn more about intuitive astrology and dreams HERE.

Applying Intuition and Choice for Spiritual Growth with Intuitive Astrology

Stonehenge was a form of spiritual astrology
Astrology helps us evolve.

Intuitive Astrology, a spiritual astrology, recognizes that we each have the power to access inner wisdom through our intuition.  Since we are all connected, my intuition will spark yours and vice versa. Intuitive flashes are common in my work.

Additionally, humans are the only entities with free will and the ability to make conscious decisions.  As such, intuitive astrological counseling is choice-centered. It maintains that we can choose to evolve or resist the growth and change opportunities reflected in the astrological charts.

Astrology also provides insight into our past, current, and future cycles. Sometimes, people read about a challenging cycle and experience fear or dread. Spiritual astrology focuses on optimal ways to work with any cycle and cooperate with the highest purpose at any moment. Because we have personal freedom of choice, we are not fated or predestined by our birth charts. We get to decide how to best respond to life’s challenges.

Intuitive Astrology and Personal Growth

Mother and son under starry sky
Astrology helps us find meaning and purpose.

Another central premise of intuitive astrology is that we are evolving toward an awareness of spirituality.  This may be expressed in many unique ways, according to your beliefs. Essentially, your birth chart suggests the lessons needed for your personal growth. In other words, your natal chart reveals your soul’s progress on your evolutionary path and its intention.

Astrology uncovers your natural strengths, talents, and unique gifts. It also reveals the hidden purpose of any inherent difficulties, as seen in the various astrological cycles. These insights provide a depth of healing not available in other systems. With conscious intention, you will better master your fears and any challenges you face.

Please get in touch with me below for your complimentary phone call. I look forward to hearing from you!

Spiritual Astrology and Life Purpose

The zodiac wheel in the blue sky symbolizes a major tool of intuitive astrological counseling.
God said: "Let there be lights in the heavens.
Let them be for signs..." --Genesis 1:14

This quote may surprise those who believe astrology cannot support all spiritual paths. However, spiritual astrology is inclusive and can help anyone with personal growth issues. Intuitive astrological counseling can also help you rediscover your soul’s intention or life’s purpose.

The moon’s nodes in the birth chart and patterns related to Pluto, Uranus, and the Sun reflect your soul’s intention. This clarity, provided by astrology, enables a deeper acceptance of life’s challenges and promotes a sense of inner peace, reassuring you that you are on the right path.

The transit of the nodes indicates where your current growth path lies and what patterns need to be released. I look forward to reading

Intuitive Astrology Summary

Intuitive astrological counseling validates your process and provides a wealth of assistance on your life’s journey. When used wisely, astrology helps develop a deeper understanding of life’s challenges and gifts.  Since the insights revealed can be profound, practicing this healing art with reverence is important.

Relationship astrology, dream work, and plant medicine are additional areas of expertise that may benefit you. Be sure to contact me below with any questions or to set up a consultation! Thanks!

Two astrological charts
"Everyone should study their birth chart."--Edgar Cayce


“Thanks for helping me heal my life issues!  I am a different person now than before our work together. Your in-depth knowledge of astrology and flower essences along with your strong intuition has been so amazing!”–L.N.

“Deborah Lee’s years of experience with astrology are evident in her compassionate and insightful application. She focuses on the person first, something I have always appreciated. And she brings a wealth of knowledge to her practice. I have learned so much from her about both the beauty of astrology and about myself!” –J.Y.

“When I tell all my friends about you they ask me how I found a counselor who is also an astrologer. I say that she uses astrology to help me better understand myself and what would help me heal and that I got very lucky!”–A.A.

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Intuitive Astrology