Intuitive Astrology

Astrology Heals the Soul

The yin yang symbol over a planet symbolizes the healing the soul and its polarities with intuitive astrological counseling
Astrology is a powerful tool for healing the soul's polarities.

My life work has been focused on healing the soul (another word for the psyche) with intuitive astrological counseling and other therapeutic approaches. Astrology is a sacred art and science that aids our growth in these challenging times. Intuitive astrology is a form of spiritual astrology that focuses on freedom of choice and enables you to discover and follow your life’s purpose. It also emphasizes intuition development and psycho-spiritual growth. Astrology also validates our suffering and provides hope by outlining the time frames involved and the often hidden purpose behind the pain and difficulties. Remember, when you allow yourself to fully experience your emotions, they will shift.

Your birth chart provides abundant information that helps you discover your talents and gifts and describes your challenges. My work empowers you with knowledge, ignites your intuition with my own, and inspires you to make the best of what life brings. Please contact me below with your questions and to set up a free consultation. Thanks! 

Why Study Astrology?

Astrology chart with book represents healing the soul with intuitive astrology.
Spiritual astrology helps guide our path.

The birth chart maps the sun, moon, planets, and other factors present at birth. Your chart indicates your creative potential as well as your challenges. Studying one’s birth chart is essential for every soul.

Your natal chart offers a life script modified by your free will. Astrology provides a wealth of information that will help guide your life’s direction. However, using your intuition and free will to manifest these patterns optimally is essential.

Together, we will focus on your spiritual ideals, not mine. For example, I will guide and support you in your growth process and help you discover your soul’s intention and life purpose. Additionally, I will address your main personal or relationship issues and compassionately support you in meeting your challenges with enhanced insight and clarity.

“He who does not understand astrology is not a doctor but a fool.” — Hippocrates (460 BC – 380 BC), the father of medicine.

Healing the Soul with Intuitive Astrological Counseling

two hands coming together - Intuitive Astrology and Spirituality
An exchange of energy is optimal.

In an intuitive astrology session, we will discuss the issues that led you to contact me. I will guide and support you with the knowledge gained from your natal, progressed, and transit charts.  You will also benefit from my strong intuition and knowledge gained from many years as an astrologer and therapist.

Most people seek astrological help when in pain or having difficulty coping with life’s challenges. No matter the reason for reaching out, we will focus on your priorities when you share your chief concerns with me. Many indicators in your birth chart indicate areas of soul pain, especially the placements and aspects of Chiron, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, and the moon’s nodes. These same natal placements also provide the roadmap for healing the described soul pain. The progressed and transit charts reveal past, current, and future challenges and opportunities. 

Yet, your pain leads to the healing and purpose of your soul. Anger and grief are huge motivators. One of the principal gifts of astrology is helping you frame your struggles as part of your soul’s purpose. Then, you can choose to heal your soul by living with the conscious intention to manifest the energies involved at the highest level.

Soul Healing is Enhanced with Intuitive Astrology and Plant Medicine

Purple flowers in water bowl
Astrology and flower essences promote soul healing.

In addition to intuitive astrological counseling, I work with flower remedies, including essences and essential oils. Thankfully, some of the most effective formulas combine these.

Bach Flower Remedies and those from Flower Essence Services (FES) are famous worldwide for directly healing the soul. They help reduce anxiety and alleviate depression. Flower remedies also assist in overcoming fears, discovering your true calling, and much more.

Flower essence therapy complements astrology beautifully. These plant-based essences nurture the psyche and help you work through any mental, emotional, or spiritual issues you may be experiencing, as seen in the charts.

For more information, see Blog, Astrology and Flower Essences. Thanks.

Astrology Heals the Soul Summary and Resources

“Astrology has no more useful function than this, to discover the inmost nature of a man and to bring it out into his consciousness, that he may fulfill it according to the law of light.”—Aleister Crowley.

Starry night sky is a symbol of healing the soul with Intuitive Astrology.
“The starry vault of heaven is in truth the open book of cosmic projection.” -- Carl Jung.

Intuitive astrology supports spiritual growth in many ways. The depths of insights revealed bring validation, clarity, hope, and inspiration. If you are interested in discovering more about yourself or your relationships, your life purpose, or guidance on how to meet life’s challenges best, please get in touch with me below.  I look forward to supporting you on your life’s journey!

For more information, see Services, Astrology and Dreamwork

Resources, Astrology Resources

and Blog, North Node and Life Purpose.

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Intuitive Astrology