Intuitive Astrology

Astrology and Dreams

Astrology and dreamwork go hand in hand. Both are spiritual arts that help us connect with our divine purpose and are synergistic and compatible. With astrology, we study the psyche or soul, while dreams connect us directly to our souls. In these posts, you will learn the benefits of working with astrology and your dreams, such as enhancing your insight, deepening your healing, and promoting soul growth. I offer explanations about the three dimensions of dreams. To demonstrate how we might work together, please read the example of a case study involving Pluto and the Moon.  If this post seems too technical, be assured that when we work together, I will discuss astrology in ways that are comfortable for you.

Astrology and Dreamwork Astrology and dreamwork promote soul growth. Both astrology and dreamwork use symbolic languages of the psyche or […]

Emotional Healing with Pluto Moon Astrological Aspects and Dreamwork Pluto Moon aspects and dreamwork promote emotional healing. Astrological students sometimes […]

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Intuitive Astrology